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The Holy Spirit did not suddenly become active in the Upper Room on Pentecost. Quite the contrary, the Spirit was present at creation, was active throughout Israel’s history before Christ and in the Church following His resurrection, and continues to move powerfully today. God designed you specifically to accomplish something special in His world.

The gift of the Holy Spirit—and the many gifts He wants to release to you—is what uniquely empowers you to serve Jesus with great joy. You may not feel prepared or qualified, but God has prepared you from birth and calls you qualified because He is with you. Through this book, you will learn the important tools God gives you to minister in the power of the Holy Spirit in your everyday life.

Don’t limit the gifts available to only the nine listed in 1 Corinthians 12. As you unlock
these nine plus many other gifts from the Spirit, you will discover a life that looks like Jesus—a life of explosive power—fully able to release God’s compassion, love, mercy, and salvation wherever you go.

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